“Of course, as opponents of the change immediately pointed out once it was announced, it was largely symbolic. No one except the far left ever really believed in Clause IV as it was written. In a sense, that was my point: no one believed in it, yet…
After Blair announced he wanted Clause IV revised, members were asked their views. Over 4,000 members responded and many of these opposed the change. At a special conference held in April 1995 58% of the party nonetheless supported Blair’s new…
Some believed the new Clause IV meant Labour had ceased to be ‘socialist’. Among those was Arthur Scargill, leader of the National Union of Mineworkers. Scargill left Labour in 1996 and established the Socialist Labour Party, for which 64 candidates…
Blair believed Labour lost the general election in 1992 because voters thought the party was still run by the leftwing. So he changed Labour’s constitution and policies. His most effective change was calling the party ‘New Labour’. Even the…
Events were exclusively designed for the media so as to guarantee the most favourable coverage for the party. In this photograph Tony Blair is surrounded by a carefully selected group of sympathetic nurses, pensioners, children and young parents.
Labour’s campaign was effectively reduced to five Pledges, which featured heavily on the party’s posters and advertising. Some pledges aimed to attract long-time Conservative voters, with promises on reducing crime and taxes. Others appealed to…
To reassure those who feared Labour would not be able to manage the economy, Blair promised to keep within planned Conservative spending plans during the first half of his government and maintain the top rate of tax across the Party’s entire term. It…
Tony Blair, jacket informally cast aside, tie askew in a relaxed way, smiling, and looking optimistically upwards, was deliberately presented as the very model of a modern party leader.