Many who voted for Jeremy Corbyn for Labour leader in 2015 did so because he opposed Britain joining the United States-led invasion of Iraq in 2003. Blair was mistaken in thinking that there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. For some, this…
Britain became more unequal under the Conservatives during 1979-97.
What happened after 1997 is less clear. Measuring the distance between those at the very top and bottom, the Gini Coefficient suggests inequality increased. The 90:10 Ratio assesses…
David Cameron claimed Labour ‘maxed out’ the credit card. Although increasing spending on public services, Labour’s overall expenditure as a proportion of the Gross Domestic Product did not significantly rise. Immediately before the 2008 financial…
To reassure those who feared Labour would not be able to manage the economy, Blair promised to keep within Conservative spending plans during the first half of his government and maintain the top rate of tax across the Party’s entire term. When in…